Education Degree Requirements

Students who wish to major or minor in education at Carthage, and complete the Teacher Education Program, must complete a series of steps during their four years at Carthage.
Major & Minor Requirements
Carthage prepares teacher candidates for a variety of licensure pathways. Please click on one of the pathways below for a list of requirements for that major or minor. Please also note, all teacher candidates must be admitted into the Teacher Education Program (TEP) prior to taking any 3000-level EDU courses or higher.
Current students: You should follow the official College Catalog from the year you entered Carthage and work with your advisors and the department chair to ensure all requirements are met.
The Education Department offers a major in elementary and middle school education (grades K-9).
Required Courses (60 credits)
- EDU 1010 Education and Society (4 credits)
- EDU 2010 Educational Psychology and Assessment (4 credits)
- EDU 2050 Teaching and Supporting Learners with Diverse Characteristics and Needs (4 credits) *
- EDU 2130 Multicultural Children’s and Early Adolescents’ Literature (4 credits) *
- EDU 2150 Creative Arts: Music and Art in Elementary and Middle Schools (4 credits)
- EDU 2720 Fostering Engagement and Positive Behavior in the Classroom (Grades K-9) (4 credits)
- EDU 3160 Social Studies in the Elementary and Middle Schools (4 credits)
- EDU 3220 Emergent Literacy Methods (4 credits)
- EDU 3230 Elementary and Middle Level Literacy Methods (4 credits)
- EDU 3250 Effectively Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary/Middle School (4 credits)
- EDU 3260 Effectively Teaching Science in the Elementary/Middle School (4 credits)
- EDU 4900 Student Teaching Seminar (12 credits)
* These courses may be taken before or after teacher candidates are admitted into the TEP.
Choose One (4 credits)
- EDU 200T Urban Education Immersion Experience (4 credits)
- EDU 2340 Foundations in Urban Education (4 credits)
- EDU 3240 English Language Learner: Methods and Studies in Education (4 credits)
- EDU 4282 Culturally Responsive Instruction (4 credits)
- GNR 675: Service Learning in Communities (4 credits) (J-Term course)
General Education Requirements
Students pursuing the elementary and middle education license, alone or with a special education license, are required to take the following classes:
- A science class from one of the following sciences: Biology (BIO), Chemistry (CHM), Environmental Science (ENV), Physics (PHY), Engineering (EGR). This can count for students’ Scientific Explorations (SE) requirement.
- Political Science — POL 1500 or 1910. This can count for students’ Social Interactions (SI) requirement.
- Mathematics — MTH 1040. This can count for students’ Quantitative Reasoning (QR) requirement.
- Exercise Science — EXS 2450. This can count for students’ Wellness (WEL) requirement.
For teacher candidates seeking grades 4-12 certification: Students preparing for middle/secondary teaching must complete a licensable major in the academic area in which they plan to teach and a secondary education (middle and high school) major.
Students may not pursue a secondary education major if they do not plan to complete EDU 4900 Student Teaching Seminar. Students majoring in physical education, music, art, and theatre should refer to the respective areas of the catalog for additional requirements.
Required Courses (36 credits)
- EDU 1010 Education and Society (4 credits)
- EDU 2010 Educational Psychology and Assessment (4 credits)
- EDU 2050 Teaching and Supporting Learners with Diverse Characteristics and Needs (4 credits)
- EDU 2570 Fostering Engagement and Positive Behavior in the Classroom (Grades 5-12) (4 credits)
- EDU 3520 Developmental and Content Area Reading (4 credits)
- 4200 Methods and Materials (in appropriate content area) (4 credits)
- EDU 4900 Student Teaching Seminar (12 credits)
Choose One (4 credits)
- EDU 200T Urban Education Immersion Experience (4 credits)
- EDU 2340 Foundations in Urban Education (4 credits)
- EDU 3240 English Language Learner: Methods and Studies in Education (4 credits)
- EDU 4282 Culturally Responsive Instruction (4 credits)
- GNR 675: Service Learning in Communities (4 credits) (J-Term)
Note: English majors must also take EDU 2130 Multicultural Children’s and Early Adolescents’ Literature (4 credits).
History, science, and social science majors must satisfy the environmental education requirement by completing: BIO 1011 Exploring Climate Change (4 credits) or BIO 1020 Plants and People (4 credits) or BIO 1030 Conservation for Educators (4 credits) or ENV 1000 Introduction to Environmental Science (4 credits).
General Education Requirement
Students pursuing the middle and highschool education license are required to fulfill a Scientific Exploration (SE) general education requirement.
Senior Thesis
Middle and high school education students will complete the senior thesis in their major fields.
NOTE: Topics courses may not ne used to satisfy content course requirements.
Students seeking the major in cross-categorical special education must also have a major in elementary and middle school education or a content major and a middle and high school education minor. Upon completion of the cross-categorical special education major, students are eligible for both licenses: Ages 5-12 and Ages 13-21. They must apply for both licenses to ensure that their certification will span grades K-12 (ages 5-21).
Required Courses (22 credits)
- EDU 2080 Instructional Technology for Exceptional Learners (4 credits)
- EDU 2120 Inclusion: Communication and Collaboration with Families, Professionals, and Communities (4 credits)
- EDU 3110 Comprehensive Assessment of Exceptional Learners (4 credits)
- EDU 4090 Methods for Teaching Elementary Level Exceptional Learners (4 credits)
- EDU 4100 Methods for Teaching Secondary Level Exceptional Learners (4 credits)
- EDU 4300 Professional Seminar (2 credits)
The broad field social science education major emphasizes breadth over depth in the social sciences and is solely for students who are also pursuing teacher certification in middle and high school education, grades 4-12.
This program is only available for students who enrolled in the program prior to Aug. 31, 2023. Students enrolling after Aug. 31, 2023 should talk to their advisor.
Broad Field Social Science Education Major Requirements
This major consists of two components plus a minor:
Social Science Courses
Take a total of 32 credits from at least five of these disciplines:
- Geospatial Science
- History
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Economics
Note: A minimum of 4 credits must be earned in each discipline, but no more than 8 credits can be from any one discipline — except for the minor/field that the student chooses for certification (see below).
Completion of the middle and high school minor
All broad field social science education majors must select a minor from the following list, which is not included in the 32 credits listed in the major (above), and for which they will be licensed in grades 4-12: history, political science, sociology, economics, or psychology. They must earn 20-24 credits in the minor department. See minor requirements for the selected department.
Senior Thesis
The senior thesis is completed as part of the EDU 4200 course: Methods and Materials in Teaching Secondary Social Science.
Students enrolled prior to Aug. 31, 2023 who are pursuing an elementary (1-8) lisence also must earn a minor (either licensable or non-licensable) or second major.
Licensable Minors
- Biology
- Chemistry
- English
- French
- Geography
- German
- Health (for Exercise and Sport Science majors only)
- History
- Mathematics
- Natural Science/STEM
- Physics
- Spanish
- Speech Communication
Non-Licensable Minors
- Art (Studio Art or Art History)
- Business
- Computer Science
- Economics
- Marketing
- Music
- Political Science
- Psychological Science
- Sociology
- Theatre
- Urban Education
Teacher candidates looking to teach in schools in densely populated communities or that serve culturally and linguistically diverse students, can develop the necessary skills, mindsets, and pedagogy through the urban education minor. If they are seeking licensure, they must also complete either the elementary and middle school education (K-9) major or the middle and high school education (4-12) minor. They must complete the courses below.
Required Courses (20 credits)
- EDU 200T Urban Education Immersion Experience (4 credits) OR EDU 2340 Foundations of Urban Education (4 credits)
- EDU 3240 English Language Learner: Methods and Studies in Education (4 credits)
- EDU 4282 Culturally Responsive Instruction (4 credits)
- EDU 4340 Urban and Cultural Leadership (4 credits)
- SWK 2500 Engaging Multicultural Students and Families (4 credits)
For non-education majors, education involves the ability to teach, manage, and lead a group of people. Therefore, students majoring in management, psychological science, social work, religion, and related disciplines would benefit greatly with a minor in educational studies. This minor provides the background information on basic educational theories, child and adolescent psychology, and foundational knowledge about how their majors connect with the ability to teach, manage, and lead groups of people.
Required Courses (12 credits)
- EDU 1010 Education and Society (4 credits)
- EDU 2010 Education Psychology and Assessment (4 credits)
- EDU 2050 Teaching and Supporting Learners with Diverse Characteristics and Needs (4 credits)
Choose Two (8 credits)
- EDU 2130 Multicultural Children’s and Adolescents’ Literature (4 credits)
- EDU 200T Urban Education Immersion Experience (4 credits)
- EDU 2340 Foundations in Urban Education (4 credits)
- EDU 2570 Fostering Engagement and Positive Behavior in the Classroom (Grades 5-12) (4 credits)
- EDU 2720 Fostering Engagement and Positive Behavior in the Classroom (K-9) (4 credits)
- EDU 3240 English Language Learner: Methods and Studies in Education (4 credits)
FIield Experience Required (4 credits)
- EDU 3500 Fieldwork in Education (4 credits)
Additional Licensure Programs
Students who intend to teach art in a school setting must obtain grades K-12 licensure from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
Students Can Obtain Licensure if They:
- Complete all courses in the studio art major.
- Complete all required education courses for the K-12 Art Education Licensure Program (see list below).
Apply to and be admitted into the Teacher Education Program (TEP), typically during sophomore year. To be admitted students must:
- Take and earn a C- or better in EDU 1010, EDU 2010, and EDU 2150.
- Maintain an overall 2.75 GPA in all post-secondary work (earned at all high education institutions) and in their major and minor.
- Pass a background check.
Apply for and successfully complete Student Teaching. To do this students must:
- Maintain a minimum 2.75 GPA overall and in major and minor.
- Successfully complete pre-student teaching clinical experiences (embedded in coursework) and methods courses.
- Attend required Student Teaching Meetings and complete required paperwork.
- Complete pre-student teaching interview.
- Pass the Praxis II or maintain a 3.0 GPA in planned area of certification.
Please contact the Education Department for specific requirements and deadlines for acceptance to the student teaching semester.
The pre-student teaching clinical experiences are developmental in scope and sequence and will occur in a variety of settings with a balance of observation/teaching experiences at the elementary, middle, and secondary level. To meet the clinical experience requirements, students must register and successfully complete all education courses requiring a pre-student teaching clinical experience.
Course Requirements
Students will take the following courses before acceptance into the TEP:
- EDU 1010 Education and Society (4 credits)
- EDU 2010 Educational Psychology and Assessment (4 credits)
- EDU 2150 Creative Arts: Music and Art in Elementary and Middle Schools (4 credits)
Students will take the following courses after they have been accepted into the TEP:
- EDU 2050 Teaching and Supporting Learners with Diverse Characteristics and Needs (4 credits)
- EDU 3520 Developmental and Content Area Reading (4 credits)
- ART 4210 Art and Curriculum Methods: Early Childhood through Early Adolescent (K-5) (4 credits)
- ART 4220 Art and Curriculum Methods: Early Adolescent through Adolescent (6-12) (4 credits)
- EDU 4900 Student Teaching Seminar (12 credits)
Carthage offers a Bachelor of Music in Music Education (BMME) with certifications in instrumental music education and vocal music education.
The BMME meets Wisconsin licensure requirements as well as the standards set forth by the National Association of Schools of Music. Please note: the completion of the BMME program does not guarantee licensure. State requirements (i.e., student teaching, content tests and other assessments, criminal background checks, etc.) must be met in addition to the completion of the curricular components of the program. Together with their advisor, students pursuing the BMME must plan their program with care in order to meet both the requirements for graduation and the requirements for a teaching license.
In addition to the Carthage General Education requirements (48 credits), the BMME program has four components that must be completed:
- Musicianship and Performance (43 credits)
- Core Music Education (14 credits)
- Concentration area — either Instrumental or Vocal Music Education (14 credits)
- Professional Education (20 credits)
BMME students must earn a C or better in all MUS coursework and are exempt from the 74 credits outside the department that are typically required for graduation.
BMME students must be accepted into the Teacher Education Program in order to take any Core Music Education, Concentration, or Professional Education courses above the 2000 level.
Musicianship and Performance (43 credits)
- MUS 0160 Keyboard Skills I (1 credit)
- MUS 0170 Keyboard Skills II (1 credit)
- MUS 0180 Keyboard Skills III (1 credit)
- MUS 0190 Keyboard Skills IV (1 credit)
- MUS 0700 Recital Attendance (0 credits)
- Primary Applied Lesson (7 credits) (1 credit course, 7 terms)*
- Primary Large Ensemble (0-7 credits) (0-1 credit course, 7 terms)*
- MUS 1010 Music Theory I (3 credits)
- MUS 1020 Aural Skills I (1 credit)
- MUS 1030 Music Theory II (3 credits)
- MUS 1040 Aural Skills II (1 credit)
- MUS 1800 Music Technology (2 credits)
- MUS 2010 Music Theory III (3 credits)
- MUS 2020 Aural Skills III (1 credit)
- MUS 2030 Music Theory IV (3 credits)
- MUS 2040 Aural Skills IV (1 credit)
- MUS 2180 Conducting Fundamentals (2 credits)
- MUS 3050 Music History I (4 credits)
- MUS 3060 Music History II (4 credits)
- MUS 400* Music History Depth Elective (4 credits)
- MUS 4980 Half Recital Completion (0 credits)
* Students work with their faculty advisor to identify the appropriate lesson and ensemble placements. Except for the student teaching semester, students are encouraged to continue with primary applied lessons while enrolled full-time as a music major.
Core Music Education (14 credits)
- MUS 1180 Introduction to Music Education (2 credits)
- MUS 1190 Exploring PreK-12 Music Curriculum (4 credits)
- MUS 2710 Culturally Responsive Music Pedagogy (4 credits)
- MUS 3200 Field Experience** (0 credits)
- MUS 4210 General Music Methods (4 credits)
**To be taken concurrently with MUS 1180, 1190, 2710, 4200, 4210, and 4220.
Instrumental Music Education Concentration (14 credits)
- MUS 2050 Woodwind Techniques (1 credit)
- MUS 2060 Brass Techniques (1 credit)
- MUS 2070 Percussion Techniques (1 credit)
- MUS 2080 String Techniques (1 credit)
- MUS 2740 Choral Pedagogy for Instrumentalists (2 credits)
- MUS 2900 Instrumental Conducting and Techniques (2 credits)
- MUS 3120 Orchestration (2 credits)
- MUS 4200 Instrumental Music Methods (4 credits)
Vocal Music Education Concentration (14 credits)
- MUS 2750 Band and Orchestra Pedagogy for Vocalists (2 credits)
- MUS 2910 Choral Conducting and Techniques (2 credits)
- MUS 3130 Choral Literature (2 credits)
- MUS 3150 Choral Rehearsal Techniques (2 credits)
- MUS 3490 Vocal Pedagogy (2 credits)
- MUS 4220 Vocal Music Methods (4 credits)
Professional Educaion (20 credits)
- EDU 2010 Educational Psychology and Assessment (4 credits)
- EDU 2050 Teaching Learners with Diverse Characteristics (4 credits)
- EDU 4900 Student Teaching/Seminar (12 credits)
Students who intend to teach Physical Education and Adaptive Physical Education in a school setting can obtain the K-12 licenses from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Students must complete the following:
- Complete all courses in the Exercise and Sport Science major with Physical Education Concentration.
- Complete all required education courses for the K-12 Physical Education Licensure Program (Secondary Education minor).
Apply for the acceptance into the Teacher Education Program (TEP) sophomore year. To be admitted, students must:
- Take and earn a C- or better in EDU 1010, EDU 2010, and EXS 2000
- Maintain an overall 2.75 GPA in all post-secondary work (earned at all high education institutions) and in their major and minor.
- Pass a background check.
- Please contact the Education Department for additional information.
Apply for and successfully complete Student Teaching. To do this students must:
- Maintain a minimum 2.75 GPA overall and in major and minor.
- Successfully complete pre-student teaching clinical experiences that are developmental in scope and sequence and will occur in a variety of settings with a balance of observation at the elementary, middle, and secondary level, and methods courses.
- Attend required Student Teaching Meetings and complete required paperwork.
- Complete pre-student teaching interview.
- Pass the Praxis II or maintain a 3.0 GPA in planned area of certification.
To be eligible for student teaching, students must complete pre-student teaching clinical experiences that are developmental in scope and sequence and will occur in a variety of settings with a balance of observation at the elementary, middle, and secondary level. To meet the clinical experience requirements, students must register and successfully complete an education course requiring a prestudent teaching clinical experience. Please contact the Education Department for specific requirements related to acceptance into the Teacher Education and Student Teaching Programs. Each program has specific requirements and deadlines that the student must meet to earn a physical education teaching license.
Required Courses for Physical Education K-12 License (52 credits)
- EDU 1010 Education and Society (4 credits)
- EDU 2010 Educational Psychology and Assessment (4 credits)
- EXS 2700 Elementary Physical Education: Principles of Movement (4 credits)
- EDU 2050 Teaching and Supporting Learners with Diverse Characteristics and Needs (4 credits)
- EDU 3520 Developmental and Content Area Reading (4 credits)
- EXS 4200 Methods and Materials of Teaching Physical Education (4 credits)
- EDU 4900 Student Teaching Seminar (12 credits)
- BIO 1040 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4 credits)
- HIS 1000 Issues in American History (4 credits)
- Any appropriate social science course* (4 credits)
Any appropriate physical science course* (4 credits)
*At least one must be a lab science.
Learn more about studying exercise and sport science at Carthage
Students pursuing teacher licensure in theatre must declare a general theatre major and a secondary education minor, and fulfill all requirements for acceptance into the Teacher Education Program (TEP). In addition to fulfilling all secondary education minor requirements, the student must also take:
- THR 2180 Theatre for Children (4 credits)
- THR 4200 Methods and Materials in Teaching Theatre (4 credits)
- THR 4550 Directing (4 credits)
Students should consult with their advisors on the exact sequence of courses.
Admission into the Teacher Education Licensure Program
Admission into the Teacher Education Licensure Program requires:
- Students must complete their foundation courses in education with a C- or better.
- All education students (except for music*) must take and earn a C- or better in EDU 1010, EDU 2010, EDU 2150 (art education), EDU 2720 (elementary and middle education), EDU 2570 (middle and high school education, theatre), and EXS 2700 (exercise and sports science). *Music education students must take and earn a C- or better in EDU 2010 and MUS 1180.
- A minimum GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale overall in all collegiate-level coursework and in the major and minor.
- Successfully passing a criminal background check.
- Submitting the Teacher Education Program (TEP) application.
No student seeking licensure may enroll in Education courses numbered 3000 and above without first having been admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Students must consult their Steps to Becoming a Teacher handbook for additional information and a link to the TEP Application.
Student Teaching
Student teaching is required for all licensure programs (initial and add-on). In order to be approved for student teaching and later endorsed for licensure, a student must:
- Have a minimum grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale for the entire undergraduate program, which includes courses from all institutions of higher learning prior to attending Carthage.
- Need to successfully complete pre-student teaching field experiences.
- Pass the appropriate Praxis II content test, or use an approved alternative of earning a 3.0 or higher in the appropriate courses as listed in the Steps handbook.
- Attend mandatory Student Teaching Orientation and successfully complete a pre-student teaching interview.
- Students pursuing the Elementary and Middle and/or Cross-Categorical Special Education licenses must pass the FORT exam by the time they apply to student teach.
Students must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program at least one term prior to application for student teaching.
FORT exam
The Foundations of Reading Test (FORT) is required for students majoring in Elementary Education and/or Cross-Categorical Special Education, Reading Teachers, and Reading Specialists in order for them to obtain their Wisconsin Teaching License.
*Please note that students may qualify for alternatives to testing based upon certain GPA and coursework requirements with approval from the Education Department chair.