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A groupf of students dressed in formal clothes and standing on a stage.

On Nov. 1, Carthage Model United Nations (MUN) held its 25th Annual High School MUN Conference on campus.

Carthage students hosted and chaired eight UN committee simulations for approximately 375 high school students from 21 high schools in Illinois and Wisconsin.

MUN helps students sharpen their “hard” and “soft” skills through research, writing, public speaking (in front of large groups), and diplomacy (by working in smaller groups). In addition to helping students build and refine these skills, they also see an increase in confidence in presenting their views in a potentially stressful environment. MUN is open to students of all majors.

A student giving a speech at a podium on stage in front of an audience.

High school students hold up papers with the country they are representing for Model UN.

Students sitting in rows of long tables.

Students sitting at long tables in rows.

Sponsoring Department, Office, or Organization:

Model United Nations

For more information, contact:

Jeffrey Roberg: